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News Paper Articles

Article in India Tribune, August 23rd 2018 Edition (Click to view)

Interview with Andhra Bhoomi on occasion of Swamiji's Birthday 2018

India Will progress to a Key role position : Article in Andhra Bhoomi : January 2017

Article in Andhra Bhoomi : Oct 9th 2016
"India's aim is to follow Dharma"

Article in Namaste Telengana, 24th Feb 2013
Caring for  nature  will give  Lords Rama's protection

Article in Andhra Bhoomi, August 18th 2015 (Click to Read)

Article in Andhra Bhoomi, June 17th 2015 (with translation)

Interview by Andhra Bhoomi, March 12th Edition (With translation)

News Paper Articles in Andhra Bhoomi : March 1st - March 5th 2015

Article in Andhra Bhoomi, January 25th 2015

Articles in Newspaper on Swamiji's message on the need to protect, saving and worshiping
the nature and Mother Earth for the welfare of the entire Universe(Click to view).

News Paper Articles on Godavari Anthya Pushkaram

Articles in News Papers during Krishna Pushkaram