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Divine March 2011

Divine March for Universal Integration & Peace

Datta Jayanthi Celebrations, December 9th & 10th 2011
Dallas, TX

Datta Jayanthi Celebrations, Dallas, TX

     Datta JayanthiCelebrations in Divine presence of
His Holiness Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj in Dallas, TX
December 9th – December 10th 2011

Datta Jayanthi celebrations were heldin the divine presence of Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj at DFW Temple, Irving in Dallas, TX onDecember 9th and December 10th. The function was wellattended by people from all parts of the USA.

As a part of celebrations on theDecember 9th 2011 Navagraha homam & Datta Homam performed in themorning. In the evening Swamijiperformed Dampatti pooja and blessed all the devotees. This was followed by release of a souvenir and books on Swamiji and His mission and 366 page calendar which could be used for all years, with Divine quotes from Swamiji's messages. There were cultural programs where children performedmusic and dance programs, and the hall reverberated with devotional bhajans byadults. Programs concluded by Swamiji’s discourses on both the days.

On the December 10th Viswa Datta Vratam was performed by devotees and Swamiji blessed all the devoteespresent during the morning. In the evening Swamiji honored dignitaries andindividuals for their contributions to the society in various fields. Thedignitaries and honorees include Mayor of Irving Ms. Beth Van Dyke, Mayor ofSouth Lake Mr. John Terro, City of SouthLake official Mr. Brandon Bletso. Swamiji also honored Ms Betsy Jones a teacherin Carol elementary school on South Lake, who has been serving the society forthe last 25 years. Mr. Venkatram Subramanian a musician was honored for hiscontributions in Carnatic music and Violin. For community service Swamijihonored Mr. Kiran Pandya who is involved in many community projects related topurification of water in Haiti and in the State of Texas and also in India.Swamiji also honored Dr. Srinivas Gunukula a Heart specialist for his contributionsin the field of medicine. Talking on theoccasion Swamiji said that to worship the Lord in the temple is good but betteris to worship and love those people serve the society. Swamiji said that weshould purify the five elements namely water, soil, fire, space and air. The minds of the children have to be purified and so should every house, city andthe world. Swamiji added that if we purify ourselves we will definitely get aplace in the heart of the Lord.

Swamiji said that we should be readyto give the five essentials namely food, clothing, health, education andshelter to each and every person on the earth. Also each and every personshould gain the five strengths namely physical strength, mental strength,financial strength, social strength and spiritual strength and only then we canbe peaceful.

Swamiji also said that the Guruprotects his devotees like the eyelid protects the eye. The Guru constantlytests us and we have to stand up to his tests by always obeying him and readyto take his orders. That is true Karma yoga. Swamiji also added that if you arecompetent the Guru will come running to you and you need not search for him.

Swamiji also spoke about the Datta tradition in detail during the discourses. Swamiji said that the universal principle that permeates the entire universe is the power of Datta, and it isunified form of the power of will, power of knowledge and power of action. All that Datta principle asks for is to fill the heart with love, mind with peace,and combine love and peace along with power of action to bring peace to the society.Any work that we do should abide by wisdom and coupled with love. By following this path of Datta we will beautomatically enlightened and no separate effort need to made for that. Theturmoil in the present day is because we are using only the intellect and notcombining love with it to perform action.

Swamiji added that one should notwaste time, money or energy and if we don’t waste these we can do miracles onthis earth. Swamiji made the devotees take an oath that they would follow thegoals of ideals of the Guru and walk on his path to bring peace to the societyand the world.

Swamiji assured that He was with every one constantly blessing and protecting all the time though he is physical returning back to India on the 19thDecember.





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