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Divine March 2010

Divine March for Universal Integration & Peace

Gandhi Jayanthi, October 2nd 2010
Naperville Public Library


                                                         VIDEO CLIPS

TV ASIA News Item on Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations in Chicago.

Gandhi Jayanthi, Swamiji's Discourse, October 2nd 2010, Naperville Public Library, Naperville,IL: Video

Swamiji honors Mr. Jesse White, and Mr. Jesse White's Speech during Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations.

Mayor of Naperville, Mr. George A. Pradel's speech on ocassion of Gandhi Jayanthi.

Secretary of State releasing Divine Vision 2020 Brochure

Alderman 28th Ward, City council, Chicago, Mr. Ed Smith's speech on ocassion of Gandhi Jayanthi.

Mr. Ifthekar Shareef, FIA speech on ocassion of Gandhi Jayanthi

Mr. Raja Krishnamoorthy speaking on the ocassion.

Mr. Ashok Vyas, ITV speaking on the ocassion

Dr. Sriram Sonti, Trustee of Gandhi Foundation

Mr. J.V. Lakshman Rao, Editor, India tribune

Dr. Srinivas Burra speaking on the ocassion.

Children Singing Gandhiji's favorite song - Raghupati Raghava raja Ram ...

Dance Item by Ms. Sindhura Pisipati




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