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Divine March for Universal Integration & Peace – 2009

Swamiji's message on completion of Divine March 2009


My hearty  Divine Blessings to all on the completion of  Divine March for Universal Integration & Peace 2009.  Though I am  physically returning back to India, my astral body is always with you.  

It was by  Divine will that the Datta Jayanthi celebrations this year  were held in Seattle, WA in such beautiful surroundings and this is the foundation for the Divine Vision 2020 for Universal Integration & peace which I will be launching during the Birthday celebrations of this  physical body on March 5th 2010.  

With these Datta Jayanthi celebrations this physical body  will have new energy and divinity and as a precursor to launch the Divine vision 2020 I have once again declared my Supreme Almighty  Annunciation during these celebrations. 

I urge each and everyone of you to prepare yourself to receive this divine vision by getting the  five strengths namely physical strength, mental strength, financial strength, social strength and spiritual strength,  filling your heart with love and mind with peace and take this vision to everyone. Bringing Sanaatana dharma which teaches us how to live our lives and make ourselves powerful and peaceful, to the whole world is goal of Divine vision 2020. By educating everyone about the Physical, mental, environmental hygiene and not polluting the environment take this vision to everyone. 

Today in this world only 2 – 5% bad, 95 % is good, but the 95 % of goodness is scattered, so the 5 % that is bad is dominating and trying to create troubles. Intellectuals, humanitarians, religious leaders should unite and work together to bring about world peace. 

I had declared many years ago that Deepawali will be celebrated in the White house, and it has come true this year with the President lighting the lamp on the occasion of Deepawali amidst Vedic chanting. India and America are coming closer and the fact that Indian prime minister was recently honored in White house and the President of America and Prime Minister of India opened their hearts and spoke about both the countries and the world is an indication of this.  Both these countries have to come much closer and working with all the countries in the world should make this earth an abode of peace. 

My Divine Blessings to each and every one of you. I was with you. I am with you and I will be with you.


Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj








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