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Divine March 2008

Divine March Universal Integration & Peace – 2008

Swamiji's Message to people of Indian origin in the USA


My Divine blessings to all the people of  Indian origin living in America. It is my appeal to all of you to cultivate the outlook of :


Janani Janmabhoomischa Swargaadapi Gareeyasi


Mother and Motherland stand higher than heaven, and work to make India a strong country. Make the village from which you come strong and stand as support for the all round development of your village.  With your generous glance and support India should stand on par with America in all aspects. You should work to bring India and America closer and closer and together bring the world together. In this world which is unstable with so many problems there is a great need to unite and bring about world peace.


If you compare the whole world to the human body each and every organ is a country. America is the head and India is the heart and the heartbeat is spirituality. Fill the heart with love and mind with peace and spread love and peace wherever you go. The heart beat of Mother India and Mother Earth is love and peace. Head and Heart have to be strong and there should be cooperation and coordination between the two only then the body will be healthy. So there is a great need for India and America to be strong a greater need for coordination and cooperation for the world to be healthy and peaceful.


Divine Blessings to All.


His Holiness Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj








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