Naagula Chavithi, October 27th 2014
Swamiji has conveyed His Divine Blessings to all on the ocassion of Nagula Chavithi
Swamiji has conveyed His Divine Blessings on the ocassion of Nagula Chavithi. Nagula Chavithi, this is not a festival where you are just worshipping some snake. It is not just about offering prayers to the serpent and pouring milk into the snake pit. In reality the snake represents the Kundalini power which is coiled inside us and resides at the bottom of the spinal cord in the Muuladhara Chakra, and it is this Kundalini that we are worshipping. We should enlighten the Kundalini power hidden within us and strengthen ourselves. The mind should dwell on the "Draam" the seed letter for Lord Datta. Draam bestows the Astha Siddhis and is combination of the eight forms of Lakshmi. This seed letter will help you unlock the Hrid Granthi in the Heart. It will enlighten the intellect by unlocking the Brahma Grandhi and will nurture the power of action in the Rudra Grandhi, in the spine. The Draam is combined form of the Trimurthi's namely Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshwara and is beyond the three Gunas. Omkara is combination of the dot and the triangle in the srichakram. It is the divine ray that is emanating from all of the chakras as a result of the energy flow up and down from the mooladhara to the Sahasraram. It is combination of the Hrimkaara and Srimkara. Hrim is on the right side of the brain and represents Siva and Srim is on the left side of the brain and represents Parvati. The Divine union of Siva & Parvathi represents the Kundalini power or Kumara Swami. This is the essence of spirituality.
Swamiji conveys His Divine Blessings to all on the ocassion of Deepawali, October 23rd 2014
Tamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Swamiji has conveyed His divine blessings to all on the ocassion of Naraka Chathurdashi & Deepawali .
Swamiji wishes that every person should glow like a lamp of knowledge and lamp of love and transfrom
the world into an abode of peace. These days Mother Earth is faced with natural calamities, terrorism and diseases not fathomable to doctors which are bothering us. Why this virus is coming? From where is it coming? Intellectuals should use their knowledge only for constructive purposes and not for destructive purposes. Not just finding cure but they should work on preventing such diseases.
Today Man is the only enemy for man. It is time for him to inculcate human values
and unitedly on diwali light the lamp of love and lamp of knowledge and peace and make a garland and adorn the mother earth. For achieving this India and usa should take leading roles and save Mother Earth from natural calamities,terrorism and terrible diseases caused by viruses like Ebola, Sars or H1N1 or any thing else.
Swamiji has wished that on this Diwali every one should be blessed with the grace of the eight forms of Lakshmi, and by worshipping Sri Devi and Bhoodevi may the world be an abode of peace.
In the past, this day is the historic day when the demon Narakasura who was causing terror on the earth was killed by Satyabhama with Krishna as the charioteer. Adi Parashakti incarnated as "Stri" to eliminate Narakasura who was creating unrest on the earth. Today we find many Narakasuras. Deepavali has to be observed as a day for getting rid of all the bad qualities in us, symbolized by the demon Narakasura. Each of us has to fight and destroy the demonic forces within each by resorting to Sathya (Truth). As such every man has to become one Sri Krishna. Every lady has to become a Sathyabhama and must become valarous. Every lady must illumine her house by conquering human hearts with divine love. Thereby violent tendencies and evil circumstances disappear
The inner meaning underlying the Diwali should be rightly understood. Note, for instance, the fact that the whole row of lamps are lit by the light from one lamp. That one lamp symbolizes the Lord. The others symbolize the light in individual selves.
The lamp points to another significant fact. Wherever it may be placed, the flame goes upwards only and never moves down. Likewise, the flame of Jnana (Spiritual Wisdom) leads one to a sublime level through the path of Righteousness. Everyone should endeavor to adhere to Truth. Truth is God. With faith in God and adherence to Truth, all demonic forces can be vanquished.
On this ocassion I once again call upon all the people of the world to unite and work to destroy the elements that are causing unrest in the society and make this earth an abode of peace. It is my wish that the Diwali, the festival of lights should take us from darkness of poverty to the light of prosperity, from darkness of sorrow to light of happiness and it should dispel the darkness of ignorance from the lives of men, and lead them to the light of knowledge, thereby filling everyones life with peace and prosperity.
On this ocassion It is my wish that all of you should fill your heart with humanity and make an united effort to bring about peace and happiness and make this earth an abode of peace.
Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj
Datta Jayanthi, December 6th 2014 ,
Datta Diksha : October 24th - December 5th 2014
This year Datta Jayanthi falls on the 6th of December, and will be celebrated in Atlanta, GA in the divine presence of Swamiji. The celebrations will take place on December 5th and December 6th 2014.
Swamiji has conveyed that Datta Diksha can be observed starting from the first day of Karthik Maasam, October 24th and ending the Diksha on the December 5th with the Datta Jayanthi Pooja. Those who can't begin the Diksha on the 24th October can begin on the November 16th and observe for 20 days . Interested devotees may observe the Diksha, following the rules given below ending the Diksha on Datta Jayanthi day. Datta Jayanthi is very special and this year it is even more significant and Swamiji has conveyed that those who observe the deeksha with devotion following all the rules will benefit.
Swamiji has conveyed His Divine Blessings to Dr. Nori Dattatreyudu on His Birthday on October 21st 2014
Swamiji on Live show : Endaro Mahanubhavulu on Tori Radio,
Thursday, October 16th 2014,
5:00 PM- 6:00 PM EST
(4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST, 2:30 AM- 3:30 AM IST(early hours of Friday for India))
Rudram Chanting at the White House on ocassion of Mahatma Gandhi's Birth Anniversary October 2nd 2014
Swamiji has conveyed that it may be difficult to chant Sri Rudram in the Rashtrapathi bhavan but it was chanted in the White house on ocassion of Mahatma Gandhiji's Birth Anniversary, and that is the greatness of America. Swamiji has been saying for many years that India and America will come closer and closer and a day will come when Diwali will be celabrated in the White House.Click here to see article in HinduismNow
Swamiji has Conveyed His Divine Blessings to all on the ocassion of Saraswathi Pooja, October 1st 2014
Whether you believe it or not Truth is always truth, Whether you accept it or not Truth is always truth. Truth is form of God.
What is truth? Jnanam or Divine knowledge is truth. Where is that knowledge? That knowledge is "Anantam" or omnipresent and is pervading through every atom in the universe. It is in the Universal mind (Cosmic mind). That is Brahma, Brahma means a form of God (Creator). If we want to create anything we have to have knowledge or intelligence. Truth is knowldege which is pervading through every atom of the universe, and it is the real form of God. The Gyanam which is pervading through every atom of the universe is unique and the universal truth i.e the real form of God. That is the power of Universal knowledge or Sri Vani (Saraswathi).
(Victory to divine universal truth)
Knowledge is real truth. Every one should get this knowldege and work for the welfare of the society and the world. This is the real significance of Saraswathi Pooja.
Swamiji has conveyed His Divine Blessings to all on the ocassion Vijaya Dashami, October 3rd 2014
shamI shamayate paapam shamI shaTruvinaashinI |
arjunasya dhanurdhaari raamsya priyadasrshinI ||
Om Srim Aparajita Devyai Namo Namaha
Vijayosthu Digvijayosthu
Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi : October 2nd 2014
Gandhi Jayanthi being observed at University of North Florida , Jacksonville, Florida on October 2nd 2008
Picture taken during
Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations at Naperville Public Library in Naperville, IL on October 2nd 2010 |
My Hearty divine Blessings to all on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi.
In today’s turbulent world when we don't know what will happen any instance it is only Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of Nonviolence that will bring about peace and harmony. Mahatma Gandhi was an embodiment of love and tolerance who forgave the person who killed him and always with Lord Rama’s name in his heart and mind he marched forward in his life.
There is a great need for politicians to follow Gandhiji’s principles to make this world an abode of peace. Mr. Modi before taking charge as Primeminister of India, paid repsects and offered a flower in front of Mahatma Gandhi's picture. Many leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Obama, and Clinton have said that Gandhiji has been a great influence on their lives. Gandhiji believed in equality for all people and proved that a country can prosper only if the villages are developed and he worked towards this and this is what the leaders of today should think about and work towards developing the villages and bringing about equality in society.
Inspired by Gandhiji's principles today there are statues of Gandhiji even in the United States in the University of North Florida, Jacksonville. There is a life size statue of Mahatma Gandhi installed in Heritage Park in Skokie, Illinois and there are peacemaking conferences like The Gandhi-King Conference on Peacemaking which is held annually in Memphis, TN which brings together modern visionaries on nonviolence and social change with community leaders, activists, academics and organizers to train, learn, plan and organize to create a culture of liberation and justice for all as emphasised by Mahatma Gandhi.
The real tribute we can offer to ‘Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation’on His Birthday is following his principles of non-violence and truth and imbibe his quality of patience and tolerance, and work unitedly to make this worlld and earth an abode of peace.
Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj
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